The Post Script

Monday, May 31, 2010

What it means to be a band

I, Abe Shanehsaz, witnessed a true spectacle of music last Thursday. On May 27th, I witnessed a miracle. I saw an incredibly talented band play perfectly, to a crowd that was far too small, then get rained out. Whats better, was at this show where the cover was $10, and only maybe 250 people were there (this band is from Hawaii btw... so that's not nearly enough money for them to break even...) and the weather crapped all over their gear, they were not only still happy to be there, but continued playing!!! Any other band (and I can honestly say I've been guilty of this before) would have said... "FUCK IT!!! We flew out here, nobody gives a shit, and now its raining on us!!! We're done!! Sorry everyone... go home!" But no, they worked with the venue to move the show inside, and played acoustic for the next hour and a half with their fans circled intimately around them in what became a total basement party at the Rathskellar.

The band I'm speaking of is the Animal Liberation Orchestra, and if you haven't checked them out, you certainly should. ( The band consists of keys, drums, bass, and guitar, and everyone in the band sings. And they truly blew my mind with how far out of their way they went to make sure that their fans were happy. I was incredibly inspired at the odds they overcame with ease and still delivered an awesome show and were still happy and excited to be playing.

Kudos ALO. That show will never be forgotten by anyone in that room.


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